The committee's added value is linked in particular to the following three contributions:
The CNEA provides a dialogue platform for various stakeholders from both the public and private sectors enabling them to discuss and work together in a collaborative, constructive and effective way. This platform is intended to develop and share a common vision of reforms and identify priority projects that can foster the private sector development, it builds on active listening to stakeholders' needs, in particular the constraints that impede their development.
Aside from its role as a facilitator of dialogue, the CNEA plays a catalytic role, contributing to the implementation of reform projects in a quick and efficient manner, and providing support throughout the reform process, from the identification stage - stage in which the opportunities for reform are analysed and identified-, to the stage of implementation and impact assessment.
CNEA highlights the projects implemented and builds upon the successes achieved with a view to promoting a positive dynamic and fostering competitiveness, through implementing pilot experiences for some projects, in this regards , the committee plays a key role in promoting reform projects, in order to reproduce and generalise successful experiences, it also highlights the reforms achieved in Morocco and presents them to international organisations and producers of international relations in order to improve the attractiveness of Morocco.